Research Group of Prof. Dr. M. Griebel
Institute for Numerical Simulation

Valuation of Performance-Dependent Options


Performance-dependent options are financial derivatives whose payoff depends on the performance of one asset in comparison to a set of benchmark assets. Typically, the more benchmark assets are outperformed, the higher the payoff will be. Performance-dependent options are interesting for two reasons: one motivation is pure speculation (similar to horse races as depicted in the picture to the left), the second application comes from the hedging of bonus programs.

Companies make big efforts to bind their staff to them for longer periods of time in order to prevent a permanent change of executives in important positions. Besides high wages, such efforts are long-term incentive and bonus schemes. One widespread form of such schemes consists in giving the participants a conditional award of shares. If the participant stays with the company for at least a prescribed time period he will receive a certain number of company shares at the end of the period. Typically, the exact amount of shares is determined by a performance criterion such as the company's gain over the period or its ranking among comparable firms (the peer group). This way, such bonus schemes induce uncertain future costs for the company.

It is now a huge risk for a company to leave this position unhedged. The company could buy the maximum number of possibly needed shares at the starting time of the scheme. This, however, would require a large withdrawal of funds from the company's capital that could be put to better use. The purchase of vanilla call options on the maximum number of possibly needed shares is a smaller but still overdimensioned trade.

Performance-Dependent Options

The appropriate financial instruments in this case are so-called performance-dependent options. Such options simply include the performance criterion in their contract.

Using these options, the company is able to purchase exactly the number of required shares at the end of the scheme. Performance-dependent options minimize the amount of money the company needs to hedge the future payments arising from the bonus scheme. They can, when traded, also be used for pure performance speculation purposes as a bet on the alpha of a company or a fund manager (alpha certificates). This way profits can be realized independently of the trend of the market.

In this project, we aim to define a framework for the efficient valuation of fairly general performance-dependent options. Thereby, we assume that the performance of an asset is determined by the relative increase &Delta S = S(T) / S(0) of the asset price over the considered period of time. This performance is then compared to the performances of a set of n-1 benchmark assets and saved in a vector Rank(S) ∈ { +, - }n which contains n plus or minus signs and depends on the joint distribution of all stock prices S = ( S 1 , ... , S n ). A plus sign in the first component indicates that the stock price of our company is above the strike and a plus sign in i-th component denotes that company i (which is the (i-1)-th benchmark company) has been outperformed. For each possible outcome R ∈ { +, - }n of the ranking bonus factors, aR finally define the payoff of the option to its holder. The payoff of the performance-dependent option at time T is then given by

V(S,T)= a Rank(S) (S 1 (T) - K)+.

Multi-Asset Model

We use a multidimensional Black-Scholes model for the temporal development of all asset prices required for the performance ranking. If the number d of stochastic processes in the model equals the number n of companies we speak of a full model. In the case d < n, we call the model reduced. Reduced models arise by grouping companies to sectors or via principal component analysis of full models.

A performance depending option with 5 companies which pays a bonus which increases linearly with the number m of outperformed benchmark companies is defined for instance by the bonus factors aR=m/4. In this case the payoff thus only depends on the number of plus signs in the ranking vector aR which defines the rank of our company in the benchmark. If the company ranks first there is a full payoff (S1(T) - K)+. If it ranks last, the payoff is zero.

The payoff of this option in case of a reduced model with two stochastic processes X1 and X2 is displayed in the figure above. Note that the payoff function is typically divided into several regions where each region corresponds to a different ranking. Between these regions the payoff function is discontinuous due to the jumps in the bonus factors. The structure of the discontinuities in the payoff function above is displayed in the figure left. One can see that the underlying geometry is described by an hyperplane arrangement which contains n=5 (hyper-) planes in the d=2 dimensional space.

Pricing Principles

Within the above setting the martingale approach yields the fair price of the performance-dependent option as a multidimensional integral whose dimension is the number of stochastic processes used in the model. Unfortunately, in the full-model case as well as in the reduced one there is no direct closed-form solution for this integral. Moreover, the integrand is typically discontinuous which makes accurate numerical solutions difficult to achieve.

In this project, we investigate the derivation of closed-form solutions to these integration problems. Our general approach is to decompose the integration domain into regions where the payoff function is smooth (see the figure above). While these regions, which are defined by the underlying hyperplane arrangement, are easily found in the full model case, tools from computational geometry have to be used in the case of reduced models. Moreover, the integration regions may be defined by general polyhedra in the d-dimensional space. To handle this more complicated geometry we decompose the regions further into simple so-called orthant regions. This is possible by using exactly one orthant per polyhedron as illustrated in the figure to the right for a hyperplane arrangement with three planes. Here, three polyhedra P1, P2 and P3 are decomposed into a signed sum using the three orthants O1, O2 and O3.

This strategy not only works in the shown two-dimensional example but also for general dimensions and an arbitrary number of benchmark companies. The decomposition algorithm is based on the Lawrence signed decomposition lemma and uses the fact that every hyperplane arrangement can be decomposed into orthants by using exactly one orthant per cell.

Valuation Formulas

If no performance comparisons are made, the closed form solution is given by the classical Black-Scholes formula which can be written in terms of two univariate normal distributions. For general performance-dependent options we get in the full model a closed-form solution which involves the computation of several n-dimensional multivariate normal distributions, two for each possible ranking result R. In the case of reduced models the resulting closed-form solution requires the computation of two d-dimensional multivariate normal distributions for each ranking where d is the reduced dimension. The possible rankings are determined by the intersection points which arise in the underlying hyperplane arrangement. The number of possible rankings is substantially smaller compared to the full model case. Reduced models thus lead to a reduction of the dimension (from n to d) and to a reduction of the complexity (from 2n to the number of cells in a hyperplane arrangement with n planes in d dimensions). Each multivariate normal distribution can be computed efficiently using so-called sparse grid quadrature formulas, see Sparse Grids.

These valuation formulas can be seen as multivariate generalizations of the classical Black-Scholes formula for performance-dependent options. In practice, the formulas allow a fast end efficient computation of option prices even for large benchmarks.


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